Curr Admin Create and Edit Assessment

Under Development 


Table of Contents


Create a New Assessment (Test/Quiz)

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View technical Instructions to Create a New Assessment on Engrade Support.  Be sure to review the naming conventions below before creating a new assessment.




Assessment Naming Conventions and Settings

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Naming Conventions for BCPS One.docx


1. The name of the assessment should be the name of the Course, Unit, and Lesson (when appropriate), followed by a descriptive name for the assessment.

          Example: ELA Grade 3, Unit 1, Lesson 1: Diagnostic Assessment


2. When developing an assessment in BCPS One, the purpose for the assessment must be listed in the Description section under more options.  

Example: The purpose of the following formative assessment is to determine flexible groups. 







Edit Assessments

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View technical Instructions to edit assessments, including the options for settings on Engrade Support



Additional Resources

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Creating Assessments (District Level) PD Companion